Dear Clare,
we just met briefly in Oranienburg in 2012 but I want to tell you how much I admired and respected Nick all my life as a booksellers and how much I will miss him. It was always such a pleasure to meet him and so my last memory of him is having a beer with him at the London Book Fair in a nearby pub - I have his picture from that meeting here on my desk. Best wishes from Hamburg Kay
18th March 2015
Dear Clare, Elizabeth, Patrick and family,
We are so sorry for your loss.
I knew Nick through the 1st Chesham Bois Scouts when our sons we growing up and active in the group.
I especially remember a wonderful walk along Hadrian's Wall with Nick while we were shadowing a group of Scouts during a summer trip to Northumbria.
We had a lively, free-ranging jaunt and conversation with lots of laughs covering history, art, travel, the Romans, university presses, cricket, US sites, rugby, investing, with a dash of politics and lots about family.
Our conversation and walk, were much like Nick: very memorable and a once in a lifetime experience.
May he rest in peace.
With warm wishes,
Wallace Wormley
11th March 2015
“The fleeting hour of life of those who love the hills is quickly spent, but the hills are eternal. Always there will be the lonely ridge, the dancing beck, the silent forest; always there will be the exhilaration of the summits. These are for the seeking, and those who seek and find while there is still time will be blessed both in mind and body.” - Alfred Wainwright
For my uncle who opened my eyes to the love of those same hills. -Hayley
26th February 2015